dormakaba DDL APP隐私权协议

繁體中文    English 

我们了解您关心您的信息将如何被使用和共享,dormakaba DDL APP承诺保护您的个人隐私,以下声明将阐述我们的隐私保护政策。请阅读下文以了解我们的隐私权声明,如果您对本隐私权声明有任何疑问,请致电和我们联系。


本隐私权声明仅适用于dormakaba DDL APP相关的APP应用,这些应用分为安卓版和iOS版本。




dormakaba DDL APP搜集的信息用于通知你最新产品和服务信息,向您提供各种售后服务。



 dormakaba DDL APP需要使用摄像头权限,仅仅用于产品二维码的识别,使用摄像头权限时我们不会搜集任何个人信息,也不会拍照做存储。

dormakaba DDL APP需要打开蓝牙功能需要定位权限,目前未搜集任何定位信息。未来如果要搜集,我们也仅在智能锁安装绑定阶段被搜集,搜集的时候我们会提醒用户我们,用户可以显示拒绝该搜集请求。如果客户同意该请求,我们会使用该信息来提高我们的售后服务。

dormakaba DDL APP需要用户提供电话权限,该权限我们仅用来读取手机的IMEI号码,这个IMEI号码会参与APP的链路加密密钥的生成,主要是用来提高APP通信的安全性。IMEI信息我们不会搜集,仅存储在APP的私密存储区中,并且使用了加密存储的方式确保该信息不会被恶意程序窃取和使用。

dormakaba DDL APP需要使用剪切板,我们仅仅在生成智能锁离线分享密码时会用到剪贴板,使客户在微信,邮件等工具中能方便的输入分享密码,解决诸如微信邮件分享在有些手机系统中无法兼容的问题。我们承诺不会往剪切板分享任何有关用户敏感的属性信息。









dormakaba DDL APP搜集的信息仅限于集团内部使用,使用得目的也仅限于用作售后服务。我们不会将你的个人识别信息共享或转让给任何人。但以下情况除外:






dormakaba DDL APP在产品升级后,不定期会对隐私权声明进行修改,我们会将这些修改在专门的网页公示出来,并更新此文档的修订日期。对于重大变更,我们还会提供更为显著的通知(比如弹窗)。

如果你对隐私权有任何问题,意见或建议,可以通过公司电话 +8675566618999转6758 与我们进行联系,或者通过邮件tony.zhang@dormakaba.com进行联系




dormakaba DDL APP隱私權協議

简体中文    English 

我們了解您關心您的資訊將如何被使用和共享,dormakaba DDL APP承諾保護您的個人隱私,以下聲明將闡述我們的隱私保護政策。 請閱讀下文以了解我們的隱私權聲明,如果您對本隱私權聲明有任何疑問,請致電和我們聯絡。









 多瑪凱拔智慧鎖APP需要使用攝影機權限,僅用於產品二維碼的識別,使用攝影機權限時我們不會蒐集任何個人信息,也不會拍照做存儲 。

多瑪凱拔智慧鎖APP需要開啟藍牙功能需要定位權限,目前未蒐集任何定位資訊。 未來如果要蒐集,我們也僅在智慧鎖安裝綁定階段被蒐集,蒐集的時候我們會提醒用戶我們,用戶可以顯示拒絕該蒐集請求。 如果客戶同意該要求,我們會使用該資訊來提高我們的售後服務。

多瑪凱拔智慧鎖APP需要用戶提供電話權限,我們只用來讀取手機的IMEI號碼,這個IMEI號碼會參與APP的鏈路加密金鑰的生成,主要 是用來提高APP通訊的安全性。 IMEI資訊我們不會蒐集,僅儲存在APP的私密儲存區中,並且使用了加密儲存的方式確保該資訊不會被惡意程式竊取和使用。

dormakaba DDL APP需要使用剪切板,我們僅在生成智能鎖離線分享密碼時會用到剪貼板,使客戶在微信,郵件等工具中能方便的輸入分享密碼,解決諸如微信郵件分享 在有些手機系統中無法相容的問題。 我們承諾不會在剪切板中分享任何有關用戶敏感的屬性資訊。


 (一)我們已採取符合業界標準、合理可行的安全防護措施保護您提供的個人資訊安全,防止個人資訊遭到未經授權存取、公開揭露、使用、修改、損壞或遺失。 例如,在APP和網路互動時採用標準的SSL,HTTPS等加密協定來進行傳輸。 我們會部署存取控制機制,盡力確保只有授權人員才能存取個人資訊;以及我們會舉辦安全和隱私保護培訓課程,加強員工對保護個人資訊重要性的認識。

(二)我們有產業先進的以資料為核心,圍繞資料生命週期進行的資料安全管理體系,從組織建構、制度設計、人員管理、產品技術等面向多維度提升整個 系統的安全性。

(三)我們會採取合理可行的措施,盡力避免收集無關的個人資訊。 我們只會在達成本政策所述目的所需的期限內保留您的個人信息,除非需要延長保留期或受到法律的允許。

請使用複雜密碼,協助我們確保您的帳號安全。 我們將盡力保障您發送給我們的任何資訊的安全性。 如果我們的實體、技術或管理防護設施遭到破壞,導致資訊被非授權存取、公開揭露、篡改或毀壞,導致您的合法權益受損,我們將承擔相應的法律責任

(四)在不幸發生個人資訊安全事件後,我們將按照法律法規的要求向您告知:安全事件的基本情況和可能的影響、我們已採取或將要採取的處置措施 、您可自主防範和降低風險的建議、對您的補救措施等。 事件相關狀況我們將以郵件、信函、電話、推播通知等告知您,難以逐一告知個人資訊主體時,我們會採取合理、有效的方式發佈公告。



多瑪凱拔智慧鎖APP蒐集的資訊僅限於集團內部使用,使用得目的也僅限於用作售後服務。 我們不會將你的個人識別資訊分享或轉讓給任何人。 但以下情況除外:



3、與授權合作夥伴共享:僅為實現本隱私權政策中聲明的目的,我們的某些服務將由我們和授權合作夥伴共同提供。 我們可能會與合作夥伴分享您的某些個人資訊,以提供更好的客戶服務和使用者體驗。 例如,您的產品出問題需要維修的時候,我們必須與我們當地的授權代理商分享您的個人資訊才能安排上門維修,保養等服務。 我們只會出於合法、正當、必要、特定、明確的目的共享您的個人訊息,並且只會分享提供服務所需的個人資訊。 我們的合作夥伴無權將共享的個人資訊用於與產品或服務無關的其他用途。



多瑪凱拔智慧鎖APP在產品升級後,不定期會對隱私權聲明進行修改,我們會將這些修改在專門的網頁公示出來,並更新此文件的修訂日期。 對於重大變更,我們也會提供更顯著的通知(例如彈跳窗)。

如果你對隱私權有任何問題,意見或建議,可以透過公司電話 +8675566618999轉6758 與我們聯繫,或透過郵件tony.zhang@dormakaba.com聯繫




dormakaba DDL Mobile Application Privacy Policy

简体中文    繁體中文 

What Is This Policy About? 

    dormakaba (China) Technologies Ltd. ("dormakaba" “Us”, “Our” or "We") respect your right to privacy and are committed to following applicable data protection rules to safeguard your rights when you use our mobile application and services. This policy describes Our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting and disclosing personal data we may collect, or that you may provide when you download, install, and register your account for access, or use of the dormakaba DDL APP (the "App") or the features and functionality that you may access from the App (“Services”) as applicable. 

    This policy applies only to information we access or collect by virtue of Your use of the App and Services and in email, text, and other electronic communications sent through or in connection with this App and any information you may share. 

    This Privacy Policy DOES NOT apply to information that We collect offline, through any third party, including through any application content (including advertising) that may link or interface to or be accessible from the App or on the Services or through any other means, including on any other website operated by dormakaba or any third party (including any dormakaba affiliates). 

    Our websites and apps, and these other third parties may have their own privacy policies, which We encourage you to read before providing information on or through them. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage you to be aware when you leave Our App or website and to read the statements of each application and website that collects personal information. 

    Please read this policy carefully to understand our policies and practices for processing and storing your information and how We will treat it. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, do not download, register an account, or use this App or the Services. By accessing or using this App or the Services, you agree to this Privacy Policy. 

How Do We Collect Your Information? 

    We collect information from and about users of Our App. We can collect it directly from you when you provide it to Us, or through the download, installation and set-up of the App to your device, registration of an account from or within the App, when you register another user, and when you electronically communicate with Us. We may ask you for information when you report a problem with the App or Service. You may be required to provide financial information before placing an order for additional services through the App. We also can collect the information automatically when you use the App or access the Services, and any media information or content that you may upload, publish, store or share on the Services or the App. 

    At present, the released app version does not collect any of the above user information. if app first startup and need user set name, telephone number, user can input anything to use the app. it is just stored in the local for help user to memorize information. 

    The app requires camera permission, which is only used for product QR code identification. When using camera permission, we will not collect any personal information or take photos for storage.

    The app requires location permission to locate surrounding BLE devices. but no positioning information has been collected & stored. 

    The app requires the user to provide telephone permission, which is only used to read the IMEI number of the mobile phone. This IMEI number will participate in the generation of the link encryption key of the app, which is mainly used to improve the security of APP communication. IMEI information will not be collected, but only stored in the private storage area of the app, and encrypted storage is used to ensure that the information will not be stolen and used by malicious programs.

    "The app requires the use of a clipboard. We only use the clipboard when generating offline sharing PIN for smart locks, enabling customers to easily enter sharing PIN in WeChat, email, and other tools, solving issues in APP sharing that cannot be compatiable in some android systems.". We promise not to share any user information to the clipboard.


What Information Do We Collect? 

    When you download, register with, or use this App or the Services, We may collect basic contact information of a personal nature such as name, address, email address, login credentials, telephone/mobile numbers, email and password, user name or similar identifier, or any other identifier We may use to contact you online or offline. We do not know the name or personal information tied to a user’s mobile phone number. 

    We may also collect non-personal information that does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity or directly relate to an identified individual, such as the device you use to access the Services provided through the App, including the hardware model, operating system and version, and a unique device identifier, demographic information, location, language, statistics, or other information in an aggregated form. Statistical or aggregated data does not directly identify a specific person, but We may derive non-personal statistical or aggregated data from personal data. For example, we may aggregate personal data to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific App feature or Service. 

    You may also provide information for publication or display ("Posted") on public areas of websites you access through the App or the Services (collectively, "User Contributions"). Your User Contributions are Posted and transmitted to others at your own risk. Although you may set certain privacy settings for such information through your mobile device, please be aware that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. Additionally, we cannot control the actions of third parties with whom you choose to share your User Contributions. Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee that your User Contributions will not be viewed by unauthorized persons and We are not responsible, nor will We be liable if your User Contributions are viewed and used by third parties. 

Automatic Information Collection and Tracking 

    When you download, access, and use the App or access and use the Services, we may use technology to automatically collect:

 •Location Information. This App does not collect real-time information about the location of your device. 

 What Information Technologies Do We Use For Tracking? 

 The technologies We use for automatic information collection may include: 

 •Cookies or mobile cookies. A cookie is a small file placed on your smartphone. Cookies may store unique identifiers, user preferences and other information. You can reset your device browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some website and app features or services may not function properly without cookies. It may be possible to refuse to accept mobile cookies by activating the appropriate setting on your smartphone. However, if you select this setting you may be unable to access certain parts of Our App or Services. We use cookies to improve the quality of our service, including for storing user preferences, tracking user trends, and providing relevant information to you. 

Do Third Parties Collect Information from You? 

    When you use or access the App or Services, certain third parties may use automatic information collection technologies or tracking technologies to collect information about you or your device. These third parties may include:

     •Our licensors; 

     •Other third-party application and service providers; 

     •Your mobile device manufacturer; 

     •Your mobile service provider; 

     •Your government. 

    These third parties may use cookies alone or in conjunction with web beacons or other tracking technologies to collect information about you when you use Our App or Services or when you access their website from Our App or Services. They may associate the information collected with your personal data or they may collect information, including personal data, about your online activities over time and across different websites or other online services. They may use this information to provide you with interest-based (behavioral) advertising or other targeted content. 

    We do not control how these third parties' tracking technologies operate, nor their privacy and data protection policies or how they may use the information they collect. Before providing your personal information to third parties, please read the privacy policy of these third parties. You can choose whether to access links, contents, and services provided by third parties. We take no responsibility and are not liable when your information is misused or improperly disclosed by any third party on such occasions. If you have any questions about an advertisement or other targeted content, you should contact the responsible third-party provider directly.

How Do We Use Your Information? 

    We use information that We collect about you or that you provide to Us, including any personal information, to: 

     •provide you with the App, its contents, and the services, and any other information, products or services that you request from Us; 

     •provide you with customer support in response to your requests and inquiries; 

     •fulfill any other purpose for which you provide it; 

     •send you notices about your account/subscription, including expiration and renewal notices; 

     •carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and Us, including for billing and collection; 

     •notify you when App updates are available, and of changes to any products or services We offer or provide though it; 

     •provide notices to you in relation to the access Services provided by Us; 

     •provide you with Value-Added Services that you subscribe to separately through the App; and 

     •administer Our App and the Services and conduct internal operations, including for troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical, and survey purposes. 

    We do not sell or trade your information or data or collect or use it for direct marketing purposes. Our right to collect the data is based on Our need of your data in order to provide you with use of the App and access to the Services, as stated herein. To the extent that your data is used to improve and develop new products and services or to maintain and manage the App and Services, We base Our use of your data or information on Our legitimate interest to perform such actions. 

Who Do We Share Your Information With? 

    We may disclose aggregated information about Our users, and information that does not identify any individual or device, without restriction. In addition, We may disclose personal information or data that We collect or you provide: 

     •To Our subsidiaries and affiliates; 

     •To contractors, service providers, and other third parties We use to support our Services and who are bound by contractual obligations to keep personal information confidential and use it only for the purposes for which We disclose it to them; 

     •To a buyer or other successor in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of dormakaba’s assets; 

     •To fulfill the purpose for which you provide it. For example, if you give Us an email address or mobile number to add another registered user, We will transmit the contents of that email and your email address to the new registered user; 

     •For any other purpose disclosed by Us when you provide the information; 

     •With your consent; 

     •For local or foreign regulators, governments and law enforcement authorities, including tax collection agencies and stock or other exchanges, and in order to comply with any court order, law, or legal process, including to respond to any government or regulatory request; 

     •For local and foreign courts, tribunals, arbitrators or other judicial committees; 

     •To enforce Our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and Us, including the App EULA, and if applicable for billing and collection; and 

     •If We believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of dormakaba, Our customers or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction. 

What Are Your Rights With Regards To Your Personal Information? 

    We strive to provide you with choices regarding the personal information you provide to Us. This section describes your rights for you to control certain uses and disclosures over your information. 

    You especially have the following rights with regards to your personal data which are also in compliance with the privacy legislation of EU GDPR: 

     •Right to access; 

     •Right to rectification, completion or deletion; 

     •Right to limit the processing; 

     •Right to object to the processing; 

     •Right to data portability; 

     •Right to appeal to a regulatory authority. Exercising your rights may affect your use of the App or Services. If you wish to inquire about any of the rights set forth above, please contact Us at:

Is Your Information And Data Secure? 

    We have implemented measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure. All information you provide to Us is stored on Our or Our service providers secure servers behind firewalls. Although We do Our best to protect your personal information, and use appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access or use and against accidental loss or destruction (and shall procure that third-party service providers with whom We contract will exercise similar precautions), We cannot guarantee the safety or security of your personal information transmitted through Our App or Services. We cannot guarantee that any accidental loss, unauthorized use, alteration, disclosure or retention will or will not occur, and We make no representations to this effect. We also cannot (and do not) make any guarantees or representations with respect to, or assume any responsibility for, the security of any devices, applications or services not provided by Us (including your mobile device or the devices of your registered users), any infrastructure, services or materials not exclusively controlled by Us or with respect to the internet in general. Unfortunately, the transmission of information and data via the internet and mobile platforms is not completely secure. Any transmission of personal information is at your sole and exclusive risk. We are not responsible for the circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures We provide. 

    The safety and security of your information also depends on you. Where We have given you (or where you have chosen) a password for access to certain parts of Our App or Services, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We recommend that you do not share your password with anyone.  

Where Does Your Data Or Information Go? 

    Your personal data will be stored on a secure server space maintained by Us or a third-party service provider contracted or certified by Us. If We transfer your personal data abroad (or your personal data is accessed from abroad), including jurisdictions that may not have an adequate level of data protection, We will take all necessary measures to ensure sufficient data protection for your personal data (e.g. careful evaluation of third-party providers abroad, flow down of confidentiality provisions, conclusion of data processing agreements etc.). 

    If you need to contact us Us by e-mail, the data you supply (your e-mail address, your name and/or phone number if necessary) are stored by Us in order to answer your questions. We delete the data gathered in this regard once storage of such data is no longer required, or limit processing of such data should statutory storage obligations apply. 

    Backups of stored data (access rights) remain in place until the data is deleted by You and then said data is deleted from backups 90 days later. User event data is deleted or anonymized at 90 days whereas non-attributable /anonymized data is kept indefinitely. The duration of these timelines is subject to technical and/or organizational requirements. We will retain the data for as long as is necessary for the relevant activity related to the App or Services or for as long as We are lawfully required to do so. 

    dormakaba have established affiliates or partners in different locations around the world and We offer Our services through the use of different cloud service providers who have servers located in different countries. As such, your information might be transferred outside the region and country from where you access and use Our App and Services, including to regions/countries where you access or use the App and Services, which may have different legal regulations and legislation and might not offer an adequate level of protection as determined by the local privacy and data protection legislation. However, We have taken the necessary measures to ensure that your information is processed in conformity with applicable laws and appropriate technical security measures are adopted to safeguard your privacy. Your continued use of this App and/or Services after We revise this policy means you acknowledge and accept those changes, so please check the policy periodically for updates. 


Amendment to Privacy Statement

If the dormakaba DDL APP upgrade, the privacy statement will be modified. We will publish these changes on a special webpage and update the revision date of this document. For significant changes, we will also provide more significant notifications (such as pop-up windows).

If you have any questions, opinions or suggestions regarding privacy rights, you can contact us at our company phone number+86755618999 to 6758, or by email

Last updated: 15 December 2023